The van is cleaned, photographed, and listed on Craigslist. We've gotten several calls. The price we have listed is reasonable, but so far most people want us to knock off a couple thousand. We may do that, but not right away. My goal is to have it sold by the middle of the month, so we don't have to take a low-ball offer right away.
I've gotten everything that was overdue completely caught up, so I feel pretty good about things at the moment. We have three pay checks including today's to work with before we go to unemployment. Or that's what we think. Now his job is hemming a hawing about whether or not Friday is his last day.
We don't intend, at this point, to turn down any work they offer, but the uncertainty is unsettling. We fear they will put him in a situation where he has no choice but to quit and then we will be unable to collect unemployment. Hoping that's not what's going on, but the company appears to have changed in the year he was not with them and we aren't sure what they might be capable of now.
Someone is here to look at the van. Wish us luck!